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Al Mustafa Pakistan over the last decades has supported thousands of people in need through our experience of delivering expert

high-quality programmes around the world tackling major issues including food insecurity, water shortage, poverty, and unemployment.

Our teams around the world are comprised of expert, talented, qualified, and dedicated individuals, with brilliant experience, helping us to shape the best possible projects, having the biggest impact possible.

our core projects

Pioneering Eye Care

We run eye camps seasonally across Pakistan in both bustling cities and remote, rural areas, where we provide quality eye care and cataract eye surgeries to hundreds of people living in poverty.

We have a specialist eye hospital in Lahore which serves vulnerable people for free, tackling blindness every single day. We have ambitions to expand to Islamabad, allowing us to serve even more people.

Giving clean, safe water

We have been providing clean water to vulnerable communities through water wells across drought-affected Cholistan and Tharparkar. We have also installed a natural water supply solution in Kashmir, tackling serious water shortage issues for hundreds of families.
Our food programme across Pakistan allows us to distribute nutritious food to those who need it across the country including Cholistan, Tharparkar, Balochistan, Punjab, KPK and Azad Kashmir, helping to tackle hunger.

Providing education & safe spaces for children

We have been supporting some of the country’s most impoverished and vulnerable children through our Orphan Sponsorship and Hafiz Sponsorship programmes, designed to ensure that these children have the best start to life, despite the challenges they face.

We’re dedicated to supporting children access education through our School and Student projects, making sure children can get the education they deserve for the life they dream to build.

In Muzaffargarh, we’re aiming to build a special, state of the art school for thousands of children who are currenly either not going to school, or have to walk or travel miles each day. We know that education opens the doors to brighter futures.

Responding to emergencies & disasters

In times of crisis, Al Mustafa Welfare Trust are there to support those affected, and we continue to support communities rebuild their lives, for as long as it takes. We supported during the floods in Pakistan in August 2022, and we continue to support affected families with homes, livelihood opportunities, food and more.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of Pakistan, and work towards tackling poverty and creating long-lasting change. We carry out projects around the world, and respond to disasters, wherever they strike, whenever. We have been working in Palestine for years, and have been working with agencies on the ground since October, supporting those impacted by the recent escalation in the war on Gaza. In Yemen, were 11 million people are starving, we have been providing food, healthcare, water and shelter, supporting vulnerable communities as they face famine, instability and war.



Hospitals supported operating on a 24-hour basis


Network of Ambulances operating on 24-hour emergency response


Schools supported in operation


Water wells


Community water wells


Electric water wells 


Large water wells


Daily clean water project beneficiaries


Cataract surgeries completed


People reached


Hafiz students sponsored


Disaster & Emergency Beneficiaries

Everyone has a right to standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services

Abdul Razzaq Sajid,  Chairman

Al Mustafa Pakistan® Projects & More

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Pakistan® is a registered charity in Pakistan, Reg no. 2238