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Save sight, change lives, and build a brighter future.

Over 2.2 billion people around the world are impacted by blindness

75% of all blindness is curable or preventable, and yet millions of vulnerable people continue to live in darkness. Blindness is a direct cause of poverty as it prevents people from working, going to school, and impacts their contributions to society.

A leading cause of blindness is cataracts. Cataract is the clouding of the lens of the eye, which is usually clear. The clouding begins to affect vision, and if left untreated can result in complete loss of sight. Cataracts are easily curable, whereby the clouded lens is removed and replaced with a clear one. Despite the simple procedure, many people living in impoverished communities do not have access to quality healthcare.

Al Mustafa Pakistan is providing free cataract surgeries, screenings and testing to people from impoverished backgrounds around the world. Since 2010, we have carried out an incredible 173,184 free cataract surgeries - giving the gift of sight to those in need.

Donate just Rs 15,000 today to help provide people with the eye treatment they need.

Donate today and give the gift of sight

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our sight Restoration Program & Eye Camps

As part of our Eye Restoration Program, we conduct eye camps across the world where our teams of volunteer expert doctors travel to far-flung communities to treat those in need. 

We aim to reach those most in need and those who do not have access to specialist healthcare. At an eye camp, we screen hundreds of people, perform operations, and check for general health issues. We also distribute glasses and offer advice. For those people who need cataract surgery, we conduct these within a few days, providing accommodation and food to those who require surgery.

As many people travel far and wide to attend our eye camps, we also offer accommodation and support to them as well as their families who accompanied them.

We also have a dedicated eye hospital in Pakistan where we provide high-quality specialist support for free, saving and restoring sight for hundreds of people each day. Since 2010, we have carried out over 170,000 cataract surgeries for those in need.

For just Rs 500,000 you can help run an entire eye camp, give hundreds of people the ability to see again and live a life of brightness, dignity and respect.

Countinue Reading


We conduct our eye camps in the following way:
  1. We advertise in local newspapers, TV stations, community centres and the radio in advance so we make sure as many people are aware as possible.
  2. We carry out screening services to determine who require glasses, medication, surgery or further hospital referrals.
  3. Those who require surgery and are healthy undergo further testing for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, HIV and Hepatitis B & C
  4. Patients undergo surgery and are provided with accommodation and food during this time.
  5. The following day, check-ups are carried out and bandages are removed. If there are no complications, patients are allowed to go home
  6. One week later, a follow-up camp is organised whereby surgeons can ensure patients are recovering well and that eyesight is fully restored.

You can help us bring life-changing eye care to people across the world by making a Rs 15,000 donation to our eye care programme today. Donate now to provide eye checks, medication and treatment to people in need.

Countinue Reading

our achievements

201, 433



EYE GLASSES Distribution








Children with disabilities supported to attend school 


School base eye camps


People with disabilities supported in business

Our Achievements

Al Mustafa Pakistan is leading the fight against blindness. 

Our first eye camps took place in 2010 in Pakistan, where our eye camps were the first of their kind. Since then, we have expanded to delivering eye camps all over Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Since 2010, we have conducted over 201,433  cataract surgeries for people living in poverty across nine countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Palestine, Kenya, and South Sudan. 

Donate just Rs 15,000 today to help provide people with the treatment they need.

Success Stories

Muzaffar's Story

Muzaffar is a vulnerable 76-year-old man from Kotli, Kashmir.

Muzaffar raised his children by working hard, day and night, as a farmer and put all his time and energy into ensuring that they get whatever they needed, including basic education, which he did not have. He and his wife supported their children by securing their marriages and helping them all set up their own homes.

Unexpectedly, four years ago, after the death of his wife, his eyesight gradually started deteriorating and unfortunately resulted in complete eyesight loss. This situation forced him to rely completely on others for his basic needs. He was unable to stand and was housebound for many years - the only thing that he could do was to sit or lie in bed.

This staggering situation was emotionally draining Muzaffar. The loss of his wife and detachment from close friends were only.....

Read the full story


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