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Dastarkhwan Project

Al Mustafa Pakistan has been working to tackle hunger and malnutrition and ensure that families get the quality food they need and deserve to live a healthy, fulfilled life. Alongside food parcel distributions, we arrange large, communal meals for those in need.

Each day, for both lunch and dinner, we invite vulnerable people at a number of locations to come together to eat warm, cooked meals which our team prepares fresh on the premises. Some people we serve include those who have travelled from remote areas to the city for healthcare, labourers, bricklayers and the poor and needy.

At each gathering, we serve meals to between 200 and 300 people. We alternate our menu between curry dishes and rice dishes, providing variety and to ensure we are always providing optimal nutrition. On Fridays, we provide a special celebratory dish in honour of the blessings of Jummah. We source all the ingredients for our meals locally, ensuring we are helping to boost local economies, benefiting communities even further.

Join Us, Donate Today

Your donation will provide


Will provide 20 cooked, warm and nutritious meals for vulnerable and impoverished people

Your donation will provide


Will provide 30 cooked, warm and nutritious meals for vulnerable and impoverished people

Your donation will provide


Will provide 40 cooked, warm and nutritious meals for vulnerable and impoverished people

how to find us?


84/6 Mozang Road, Lahore


Opening Hours

Opening hours 11-8pm
Meal hours 1:30- 3:30 & 5:30- 7:30


Zakat Applicable

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Pakistan® is a registered charity in Pakistan, Reg no. 2238