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Provide children a safe learning environment


Education is vital in helping to break the cycle of poverty that affects so many people around the world. But sadly, education is still one of the most underfunded segments of humanitarian aid – but we aspire to change that.

At Al Mustafa Pakistan we build & renovate schools in remote or poverty-stricken areas around the world and have provided access to education and essential nourishment for over 1,600 people around the world.

Helping to fund the construction of a school is a rewarding act of Sadaqah Jariyah. Every child who is able to attend school and receive an education will have an opportunity to forge a brighter future. This will lead to increased reward for the donor, multiplied long after the school has been built.

Donate now to help complete the construction & reap the endless reward of Sadaqah Jahria

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Our School Project

When we build a school, our enthusiastic team of architects and builders will be on hand to oversee the construction of the project. 

Many of our new school buildings are constructed on hilly or mountainous terrain, requiring careful thought and proper planning to ensure the project goes according to plan & that the build is finished safely. Our team is also committed to renovating existing school buildings to provide children with a better, safer learning environment, too.

The school renovation projects we carry out will create nicer classroom spaces for existing pupils while also expanding the school’s capacity to enable more children to attend in the future. Al Mustafa Pakistan needs your generous support to ensure these disadvantaged children can reach their full potential.

Just PKR 2,000,000 of your Zakat or Sadaqah can fund building a school in a rural area. 

Countinue Reading


We are also proud to support several schools in Gaza, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

In addition, we support hundreds of disadvantaged pupils each year as part of our Mission Possible campaign. The program operates by providing children with essential school supplies such as stationery, books, and school bags, as well as staffing the schools with a dedicated, committed team of volunteers.

We also offer free health check-ups and psychological support to students in order to ensure that these children are in the best possible position to enjoy a brighter future. In addition, we recognise that learning takes place throughout life, which is why we are committed to providing access to important training programmes and adult education schemes in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Our Livelihood Project includes training in business, accountancy, and essential vocational skills needed to successfully become self-employed.

our achievements


School built


School maintained


Students supported


School-based eye camps conducted


Zakat Applicable

Al Mustafa Pakistan® Projects & More

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Pakistan® is a registered charity in Pakistan, Reg no. 2238