School Maintenance

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Here at Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, we firmly believe that our children are our future. Every child has the ability to be a pioneer and, with the right support network in place, can grow to achieve their full potential.

This is why we think that every child deserves to have access to an education, regardless of their location or circumstances. Our school sponsorship maintenance appeal helps to provide disadvantaged children with the opportunity to flourish and excel in all that they wish to do.

Why is Education So Important?

Education has the capability to instil confidence in a young, developing mind. It gives the power of knowledge – everything from letters and numbers to science, history, culture, and the world around you.

In the Western world, so many of us are guilty of taking the education we receive for granted. We feel that we are entitled to an education, yet can we honestly say that we make the most of every single opportunity to learn that comes our way?

There are thousands of disadvantaged children in developing countries around the world would do anything to have the same privilege that our own children are lucky enough to enjoy.

The ability to be a child, to learn about the world and receive an education can give children the hope and motivation they need to break free from the cycle of poverty.

Doesn’t every child deserve the right to an education?

Sponsor a School with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust

Whilst your continuing generosity helps us to construct schools in many poverty-stricken areas around the world, these schools also need your support to keep running. As with all buildings, regular maintenance is necessary to ensure everything is safe, efficient, and as it should be, yet this important task can often be overlooked.

Sponsor a school with Al Mustafa Welfare Trust and donate towards essential school maintenance today. Help us to upkeep a vital learning environment to encourage these disadvantaged children to independently reach their full potential and enjoy a bright future full of hope and achievement.

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