make pakistan Greener

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Plant a tree for life

Here at Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, we are aiming to breathe new life into Pakistan’s native forests and plant 100,000,000 trees. With your help, together we can root ourselves in Pakistan’s history and transform sparse lands into evergreen woodland, providing a rich home for wildlife and a vital asset for future generations.

 Dedicating a tree or a section of woodland is a distinctive way to give sadaqah and remember a loved one or perhaps even celebrate a distinctive event. Whether you are donating towards a single tree or an entire area of woodland, your gift will, no doubt, go a very long way towards delivering a significant tribute that will support the environment in the long run.

 Select one of the below options and ensure you do your bit for nature in one of our specially-selected woods across Pakistan.

 Plant a tree for £10:

  • To give back to nature
  • For yourself
  • As a gift for someone special, with a personalised certificate
  • To give sadaqah

With your support, we aim to plant 100,000,000 trees.

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Pakistan® is a registered charity in Pakistan, Reg no. 2238