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1 in 3 people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water.

Women and children often walk for miles each day to collect water to drink, denying them the opportunity to go to school, to work and to thrive.

Billions of people around the world are suffering from poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene, putting lives at risk every single day. Contaminated water can cause the spread of deadly illnesses, claiming lives and placing financial burdens on families already living in severe poverty. Every year, 3.57 million people die from water related diseases. Most of these people (2.2 million) are children.

Al Mustafa Pakistan is providing clean water to some of the most impoverished communities worldwide, offering long-term solutions. We’re building wells and water systems and helping communities tackle poverty, thirst and hunger.

Small donations from Rs 75,000 could help provide clean water to a community in need

Donate today and help provide clean water

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water wells

* Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The visual style & size of our water wells may vary depending on location.

water hand pump

Water Hand Pump  serve up to 40 families in a remote, impoverished village, providing clean drinking water every single day. These hand pumps are installed in rural areas with limited access to electricity, and clean water is used for drinking, cleaning, washing and for livestock and crops. In these villages, water also benefits graveyards and local bus stops. Donors receive a photo and report upon completion. 

* Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The visual style & size of our water wells may vary depending on location.

Countinue Reading

water well

Water wells serve up to 60 families in a remote, impoverished village, providing clean drinking water every single day. These water wells are installed in rural areas with limited access to electricity, and clean water is used for drinking, cleaning, washing and for livestock and crops. In these villages, water also benefits graveyards and local bus stops. Donors receive a photo and report upon completion. 

* Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The visual style & size of our water wells may vary depending on location.

Countinue Reading

Water Filtration Plant 

We build Water Purification Plants in communities facing severe water shortages. These plants use a system of reverse osmosis, and advanced technology. We use advanced technology and new systems to purify and clean existing water, removing it of harmful substances, dirt and bacteria. After a process of purification, we transform water that is unfit for human consumption into clean water that is safe for drinking. Water is stored in a water tank and can be accessed at any time by the community. The system and the clean water tank are verified in accordance with World Health Organisation standards. Our water purification plant provides 1,000 litres fresh and clean water every hour.

* Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The visual style & size of our water wells may vary depending on location.

Countinue Reading

Our Successes




Electric Water Wells installed


Large Water Wells installed


Community Water Wells installed


Solar Water Wells installed

1 M+

Daily clean water project beneficiaries


School based water project

your donation in action 

* Pictures are for illustration purposes only. The visual style & size of our water wells may vary depending on location.


Zakat Applicable

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Pakistan® is a registered charity in Pakistan, Reg no. 2238