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There are communities in the mountainous regions like those of Azad Jammu & Kashmir that simply have no water access

The geography of the land makes it impossible to install water wells, leaving thousands of families thirsty. The nearest water source is often miles of hike away, on mountainous terrain, which makes accessing water very difficult, leaving families with very little to no water each day for drinking or sanitary purposes.

Our team & engineers on the ground have been working with the local communities to find a sustainable way to supply residents with water.

As a result, in Kashmir, we have developed a large-scale project which will bring clean water directly to the homes of thousands of people:  We will tap into natural water streams and glaciers in the mountains, and transfer the water to larger tanks in communities, and provide homes, schools, mosques and hospitals, with direct access to clean water every single day.

Donate now to support our project and provide clean drinking water.

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Our Pilot Project in Bagh, Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Bagh is an extremely remote and mountainous region facing high levels of poverty, unemployment, and suffering.

With the nearest water source a 13km hike away, many families go for days on end without water and are forced to drink dirty water – the leading cause of death in Pakistan.

Our pilot project in the district of Bagh is helping to provide clean drinking water to 7,000 people across four villages. We are providing water to homes, three schools and two mosques.

There are no roads, which makes transportation and movement difficult, so our teams are transporting material by animals and on foot.

We are determined to help by providing clean water which we know will uplift entire communities and save lives. Join us on our mission.


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