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Volunteering is a great way to dedicating your time in a worthy cause and providing you with social experience and a chance to use your skills to make a tangible contribution to fighting poverty. You will meet new people by becoming part of a committed group of supporters. It can also be a good way to improve your career prospects – not to mention the “feel good” factor.

If you are interested in fundraising for Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust either as an individual or as part of a fundraising group or branch – we can help you get started.

We are also always looking for volunteers to come overseas and help out on our many projects such as water and sanitation, medical camp & eye camps, housing rehabilitation and many other projects. You could be assigned in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir or in the African Continent depending on requirements. If you are a student on a gap year or have recently graduated and want to take some time out then this is the perfect opportunity for you to get involved.

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Some of the ways you can Volunteer

Disaster Relief

During Global Disasters and Conflicts we need to act fast and deliver vital emergency aid to people as well as save lives. As an International Charity, we operate in various third world countries and with the tremendous support of our Volunteers we are able to help thousands.

When disaster does strike and if the scale is overwhelming then we will request support for additional volunteers. You can sign up with AMWT® and become an Emergency Support Volunteer in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia, Gambia or Sudan.

Events & Roadshows

AMWT® runs various events and road shows from GPU, fundraising dinners to Gift of Vision Country Tours. This is an ideal opportunity for young and vibrant individuals who are at school/university or make a positive contribution and gain social skills and at the same time use this valuable time to earn rewards for helping people less fortunate in the world. You can help volunteer and collect donations using our charity boxes, distribute our campaign material and help spread the word about what we do.

Live Appeals

Every year we run major TV/Radio Appeals during Ramadan and Qurbani to raise funds for the most critical projects and disasters/relief efforts. This is the busiest period of fundraising throughout the year and this is when we require the assistance of Volunteers to help behind the scenes from manning the telephone donations, processing mail standing order forms to collecting donations on the ground.

Social Campaigning

We are living in the most technologically advanced period in our history and each and every one of us have the ability to push a few buttons and help make a huge difference. You can volunteer as a social campaigner by promoting our social platforms such as facebook, google+, instagram, twitter and youtube. All you need to do is help us generate more Likes/Followers by promoting our most prominent campaign posts. By doing a few minutes of promotion can not only help us generate more donations but your effort could save so many lives. All you need to do us follow us using our social links and then passing these to your friends/relatives or a regular basis.


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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Pakistan® is a registered charity in Pakistan, Reg no. 2238